Center activity
Sociological research
In the book “Sociology: Dictionary of Terms and Concepts” (Kyiv, 2006) specific sociological research is defined as “a system of logically consistent methodological, methodological and organizational and technical procedures aimed at obtaining reliable data about the phenomenon under study and the process for their subsequent use in managerial practice”...
Marketing research
In the book “Sociology: Dictionary of Terms and Concepts” (Kyiv, 2006) marketing research is defined as “a kind of sociological empirical research aimed at the systematic collection, reflection and analysis of factual information on the needs, opinions, motivations, attitudes, behavior of individuals and organizations (economic entities, government agencies, etc.)...
Socio-psychological research
In a book by N. A. Koryagina and E.V. Mihaylova “Social Psychology: Theory and Practice” (Moscow, 2014) the socio-psychological study is defined as “the type of scientific research aimed at establishing in the behavior and activities of people the psychological patterns due to the fact the inclusion in social (large and small) groups, as well as the psychological characteristics of these groups themselves”...
Sociological consulting
In the book “Sociology: Dictionary of Terms and Concepts” (Kyiv, 2006) sociology is defined as “the science of general and specific laws and regularities of the organization, functioning and development of historically defined social systems, the mechanisms of their actions and forms of manifestation in the activities of people, social communities and society as a whole, about the personality in its social interactions, about the social life of individuals”...
Consultations on vocational guidance
In the book by N. O. Evdokymova, L. A. Opanasenko and N. B. Ivantsova, “The Psychological Basis of Professional Counseling” (Mykolaiv, 2015) professional consultation is defined as “interaction, cooperation between the client and the counselor who together consider the problems of planning the client’s professional activity and seek to find ways to solve it...
Youth Platform “Be Profi”
At “Mykolaiv Center for Sociological Research” of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University the student research section “Youth Platform “Be Profi” operates. On the basis of this youth platform there are discussions on topical issues of sociological science and meetings with professionals working in the field of sociology and related branches of economic activity. Meetings take place regularly – once every three months...

This article examines Ukrainian educated youth migration intentions on example of Mykolaiv university students, that is the actual problem. The author believes that, in the current state of affairs in the field of youth employment, crisis of Ukrainian economy, falling social standards, political instability, insecurity, the problem of migration and migration intentions strengthening, including emigration intentions of educated youth, presented in the results of sociological studies conducted at the Petro Mohyla National University Sociological Center, will not lose its relevance, particularly as the threat of labor potential of the Ukrainian “human capital” destruction, and as the social security threat.

In the article the social representations of corruption in higher education among students and teachers of higher educational institutions of the South of Ukraine are compared. The scientific literature (psychological, educational, juridical, economic, sociological), devoted to the problem of corruption in education, is analyzed. The results of questionnaires (carried out in December 2015 - January 2016 by employees of Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University) among students and teachers of higher educational institutions of the South of Ukraine are presented. Practical advices for anti-corruption education of students and the formation of anti-corruption strategy of Ukrainian higher educational establishments are formulated.

The object of our exploration is some issues related to the definition of such concepts as "globalization", "globalism", "globalism", "integration", etc. The aim of the research article is an attempt to clarify some key aspects of this problem. The author of this paper is aiming to trace the attempts to find the necessary adequate terms for explaining the globalization processes in the modern sociological literature (in particular, in the works of Ulrich Beck). The methodological approach used here is comparison and analysis of various approaches to the definition of large-scale phenomena of the modern world. There is controversy with the definition of globalization processes by the contemporary Russian researcher E. Ustyugova. One of the most relevant problems seems to further scientific development and methodological elaboration of the scientific terminological dictionary of the sociology of globalization processes. This will allow to reach a better and higher level of scientific analysis in research of globalization processes.